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Schedulable Apex in Salesforce – Quick Glance


In the world of Salesforce development, automation plays a crucial role in streamlining business processes and ensuring consistency in operations. One powerful tool available to developers is the Salesforce Apex Scheduler, which allows for the automation of tasks through the execution of batch Apex classes. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Salesforce Apex Scheduler, covering key aspects, best practices, implementation details, business scenarios, and when to effectively use it.

Key Takeaways

  • Combine Batch and Scheduled Apex for efficiently handling large jobs.
  • Utilize System.schedule() for scheduling execution and System.scheduleBatch() specifically for batch jobs.
  • Leverage cron expressions for fine-grained control over scheduling.
  • Implement the Schedulable interface to schedule Apex classes effectively.
  • Use Scheduled Apex for automating recurring tasks and enhancing efficiency.


The Salesforce Apex Scheduler allows developers to create custom scheduled jobs to automate recurring tasks. By implementing the Schedulable interface, developers can define classes with methods for starting, executing, and finishing batch jobs. These jobs can be scheduled to run at specific times or intervals using various scheduling options provided by Salesforce.

Best Practices

  • Incorporate error handling within execute() and finish() methods.
  • Define optimal batch sizes for processing records efficiently.
  • Optimize web service callouts and queries within batch classes.
  • Choose between Stateful and Stateless based on data retention needs.
  • Thoroughly test scheduled jobs to cover different scenarios.

Business Scenarios

  • Verify billing information
  • Create renewal opportunities for subscription businesses
  • Perform data cleanup tasks
  • Send email notifications based on processed records
  • Handle routine operations at specific times

When to Use?

  • Automate recurring tasks
  • Process large volumes of data efficiently
  • Schedule jobs at specific times or intervals
  • Implement error handling and logging mechanisms


  • Apex Scheduler in Salesforce automates tasks through scheduled batch Apex classes.
  • Combining Batch and Scheduled Apex enhances efficiency in processing large jobs.
  • Utilize cron expressions for precise scheduling control.
  • Implement best practices for error handling, optimization, and testing.

Code Samples

// Implementing a Schedulable Apex class
global class MyScheduledJob implements Schedulable {
    global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
        // Instantiate and execute batch job here
        MyBatchClass batch = new MyBatchClass();
// Scheduling a job using System.schedule()
String jobName = 'MyScheduledJob';
String cronExpression = '0 0 * * * ?'; // Run every hour
MyScheduledJob job = new MyScheduledJob();

System.schedule(jobName, cronExpression, job);

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